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When Life Hands You Lemons

Writer's picture: kisha no ekisha no e

So often we hear the infamous proverb of "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade" and this is suppose to be a motivational statement to switch ur mindset when "it rain, it pours" so u can have that go get 'em tiger n can do attitude during a difficult period in life. Well umm...I've never been a citrusy lover n at my gives me acid reflux! Becuz I have seen an influx of notifications n "hey girl just checkin on u" messages, I feel it's only right to keep yall in the loop...

Within the last few weeks, I've been in my season...wait? how long do seasons last? ok, scratch that...I've been in a duration of life handing me lemons between hospital visits, hospital stays, death in the family, lack of pilates n a dry cough that visits me twice a day! YALL...I've been juggling chile. Becuz of real life occuring, I've purposely stepped back from my blogging duties to not just tend to them but MYSELF!!

Something people don't realize is...amongst the crew/pack/group/circle/tribe there's always that one of a few dependable persons u can always count on to bring sunshine to the party but does anyone ever wonder the effort it takes to maintain the shine when the clouds cover the sun??? **le sigh** Just food for thought.

I absolutely miss yall. While I am here n there checking in, I haven't been engaging like I normally do n haven't put any energy into maintaining my feed with Nordy runs, Amazon finds n my Saturday morning chats during my #SipTrip runs. The time I do have for myself, I use it to indulge in good weather to recharge with sun rays n quiet moments to read a book or just enjoy the moments in nature with long walks n discovered the beauty in SLEEP O_o

I've been leaning in with family during this time while being flexible amongst friends and oh...yea...don't forget...I have a whole job lol. HELLO NEWBIES!! I am NOT a full time content creator (nor is it my goal) in case u might've been wondering why my posts can be so sporadic. Instead of me trying to explain my absence on multiple platforms, figured I'd land it here!!

My Sip Trips have been keeping me sane! Toot has became my plus one when I stay over for the wknds. He's an early bird too, so we have a coffee date n find the nearest playground. After I watch him run around n listen to the innocence of kids laugh n play; we make our rounds n visit family in the "uuurea". Although, I've limited myself to family during this time-PLEASE KNOW-I am looking forward to setting up times to meetup with yall (locals, lol) n hop back into the groove of engagements virtually cuz I love the connection offline n want to very much maintain the energy n fun we have outside of social media <3

June hits this weekend n Summer is around the corner! This means we are half way through the year, two quarters in and I got a feeling Imma sneeze n open my eyes to Halloween. Mason will be entering this Fall as a whole SENIOR **sniff** n yea...I got a lot goin on n I refuse to spread myself too thin so I gotta prioritize accordingly without feeling the obligation n pressures of "likes". Yall know where to find me. I am NOT ignoring u if I don't answer a DM in a timely fashion. I've been posting n ghosting or enjoying yall stories n whoever the algorithm allows me to see :7

Am I missing anything in these streets? Keep me hip, lol. Any new trends I need to be on the lookout for or products yall are loving these days?

Let me know below.



Jun 01, 2024

That’s right put U first! Ain’t nothing going on in these streets but trying to figure out would you “chose the man or the bear to be in the woods with” and the girlies are saying they would choose the bear.

Defin miss your fashion and home hauls but again take care of you!

Brth_of_frsh_aries -Londa

kisha m
kisha m
Jun 09, 2024
Replying to

LOL!! Thank you Londa! I learned bout this bear vs man thing last month n was baffled cuz I'm this REALLY a debate :7


Jun 01, 2024

This blog update made me think of Cookie Lyons saying “I gotta put me first Lucious, I gotta put me first.”

I know all too well how you feel when the hits keep on coming. we ain’t going nowhere, take your time!

kisha m
kisha m
Jun 09, 2024
Replying to

That line from Cookie will forever live rent free in my head, lol.


May 28, 2024

You aren’t missing a thing. Same ish different person different day 🤷🏾‍♀️ take the time you need or want. We will be here when you get back 🤗

kisha m
kisha m
Jun 09, 2024
Replying to

U are right, cuz I came back n it was like I never left haha.


May 27, 2024

That’s right Sis! Tend to YOU because there is only one YOU and those of us that are close to you need YOU! See you soon.

Lil Sis aka Jessica Marie 😘

kisha m
kisha m
Jun 09, 2024
Replying to

Aaaaah...thank u Jessica Marie. I love how u can understand me even in silence.

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