I know there's fear in mixed prints. I too was lost n now I'm found. The easiest way to dip ur toe in the water of the mix print game is to "match" yet mix patterns of the same color. My favorite is to mix polka dots n stripes. It's the easiest way to go! Now that you've gotten comfy there...toss in floral n u will never look back!

When I go to work in any office, I have a signature style that can be seen a mile away. Mainly becuz I work with baby boomers who wouldn't dare n also becuz I don't straddle the line of the office environment's uniform. When I say uniform I mean the typical blaaaah's of colors: black, gray, navy. I just cannooooot. Why should life be such a drag n it dmn sure ain't gonna be within my office space. I am a self-proclaimed "Director of Morale" within my office cuz my attire will surely perk u up cuz it's nothing mundane.

I have no main inspiration for today's look, it fell into my lap as I saw fit n looked around my closet. It's easy for me to pair these pants with a solid colored shirt (I love green w/black n white cuz red is so cliche) but I looked over n seen this vintage n well-thrifted shirt gifted to me from "my manager" Marci. She knows me oh so well n if she's randomly "dumpster diving" (inside joke lol) she sees something I'd more than likely wear n sends it to me from the deep south of South Carolina. THANK YOU MARCIIIIII :) I love how the top has my favorite prints to collide: polka dots + floral. The shirt does the work for me n I appreciate it.

When it comes to the shoes, I do a lot of walking from the parking lot to the office n once I'm in the building sooo frolicking around in heels...I am NOT. My chucks come in handy more than ever now. I do have an option of dressy shoes at my desk (if needed) but flat shoe me please!! I coordinated a nice pink pair (converse) for the outfit and VOILA!! Polka Dots + Stripes + Floral Couture.
