What a weekend-like...no...what a GREAT weekend. Totally unprepared to be OFF for a new federal holiday Friday so it felt like a Saturday throughout the day. I had been gearing up n mentally preparing for this Fathers Day weekend which for the last few years was spent wit my boys. As I am refining myself, I am putting vulnerability on the line more often than not as reality becomes clearer the older I get. My growth is allowing me to either get closer to things or people who align with my movement or distant myself from things or people who add no value to the direction of my life. There is no love lost, its just...everybody can't go! It's officially summer time n the heatwave is coming in hotttttt. Let's rewind....

I love spontaneous moments. Off the cusp, off the whim...just waking up wit no plans in mind is a privilege I gladly take advantage of. When it comes to random plans, me n Eb hit the bat signal **insert eyes emoji** n go from there. As outside is open...I am still cautiously moving which means I am awaaaay from the crowds n the happening spots **coughs U Street** I am also FORTY n the establishments I tend to visit-reflect that (don't let it go over ur head)...so darling **pinky up** we enjoy a light lunch in Annapolis at Carrol's Creek Cafe along the water. I freaking LOVE anything Annapolis. Sadly, since Nordies at the mall **sniff** closed, I don't venture there as much n there's an ice box where my heart used to be so I'm not there as much.

The weather was perfect. The breeze tickled my scalp n I got grown n indulged in some Spurr-rets (spirits). This key lime drink was tasty n I paired it with their signature salad. While enjoying the scenery we figured we'd seize the free day n later dip into another place for wine so I kept it light to save room for later. Oh the shrugs of it all to skip about the day #Luxuries

Lunch Date OOTD:
Accessories: Flamingos (my spirit animal) from Melody Ehsani n my bag is a vintage bag from Ebay n my shades are old too.
(I just randomly search accessories that come to mind "ie vintage doctor bags")
How I chose my OOTD:
It was a nice day n I felt flirty so I knew I was gonna wear a dress. This dress been sitting since last year so I popped the tag to take it for a spin. The color is a perfect Kelly Green I wanted to pair with my Kurt Geiger bag but on my way out the door this vintage one winked n I no longer wanted a big bag to tote around. I honestly pick by what the spirit tells me. I'm not normally a dangly earrings kinda gal but since my shoulders was giving succulentcy, I wanted the eyes to stay closer to the top to appreciate this fresh cut n color I was serving u heaux.

We capped the day with some wine. I'm still a newbie at this becuz I just started appreciating the taste last year. I am understanding more with this grown folks drink n I am enjoying learning the flavors more n more. I still stick to the more sweet sides tho. This blueberry wine from Cooper's Hawk hit the spot n I had a lemon buttercake that was hella sweet. Now I am a chocolate LOVER so it was interesting how I had tarty foods that day-ooooh my taste buds are going through the motions lol. My fun Friday was good n even better when ur in bed by 10p.

Hello Saturday!! Typical...per usual fashion...if it's one thing yall KNOW imma do...its kick my weekend off at #Starbucks n if yall just so happen to NOT see my Saturday start off here with The Rascals "Beautiful Morning" song-mind ya bidness...that's all imma say lol. That song makes me feel good rain or shine for a weekend n it just stuck to hear it EVERY weekend. I go between macchiato's n lattes for the most part then I'll chill nearby as the sun comes up to meditate (and scroll to catch up) to myself for a solid 45 min at least. I already knew I had a busy Saturday ahead.

I found this dress in the back of the closet...waaay back lol. I had forgot I had it (vintage ASOS) it was comfy chic for the day, sleeveless since I knew it was gonna be hot, BLACK for Juneteenth n fringes cuz im sassy! I was making my rounds to drop off Fathers Day gifts to my guys n made an appearance at a cookout to see my friends who know I am a myth haha.
I'm around but not around. There's only but soooo many people I phk wit enuff n tuff-my circle is solid. I haven't seen people in so long n I'm coming out of hibernation for VIP events only. I love small intimate groups (omg, does that sound introvert-ish). If u ever see my comments its peppered with my boy, Keets who calls me his "Shooter". I love him! The love is just there n he's very dependable for male perspectives n overall great dude. Anything they put on is a party n great time so I had to slide thru. THE FOOD: Grillhouse BBQ does NOT disappoint. Yall know the food is a highlight so the grill master gotta be on point. I remember when he first started his business, he was teasing us via IG n I kept being in his DM's drooling over his posts n stalkin him for drops. I finally was able to get a hold of his infamous ribs so strolling in the backyard to see him workin them tongs excited me!! I am so mad I didn't partake in a doggy bag cuz them wangssss was GEWD!! The meat is so well seasoned n I know imma need to just be vegan this week to get back on track lol. Definitely book him for ur BBQ event n don't miss out on them dinners!! I'm bout to go for a walk by the mere thought of my glutton.

Rounding off a wonderful weekend in honor of great dads, Sunday presents itself as a new day. All of my guys have been taken care of, I had fun socializing n my cherry on top would be spending time with my own dad. I curate a special "Bae Bag" for him. What do u get the man who has it all is what I've always thought around Xmas. It's hard shopping for folks like this but I know him...like KNOOOW him. I am excited to see him open this bag but the real gift had nothing to do anything--in...this...bag!!
I do not have the best relationship wit my dad. My dad is of military background, from the Trinidad Streets of NE n 20 yrs my elder. My dad has always been REAL. He has taught me many of thaaaangs in which I respect him for. Wise man gems I appreciate. I can assure u, Kevin Samuels has NOTHING on my daddy lol. This is why when people cry about tone n delivery, I chuckle becuz for me growing up; it was apart of my life hearing harsh truths. It molded me to where there's nothing u can say to hurt me n that's dangerous becuz my toxic trait is...if u get the joking n joning wit me-Imma take it too far!! My mouf is feisty n I takes no prisoners. There's an art of sarcasm I learned from the King himself aka my dad. For me, I think my dad will always look at me like his "little girl" n I've been of the world too long n independent without the silver spoon of my parents. I've been on my own for over half my life-not to say I've lived sooo long I know everything but I didn't take the path of what HE sought for ME to do. I toss in the age difference becuz as I get older, I understand.
My parents were basically fresh outta HS having me. I didn't have Mason til 25 yrs old n I had not nere clue on parenting. Being a parent makes u a forever student. Hell, I'm still navigating through teen life so I've given my dad some grace on how he raised me becuz he didn't have a great example himself on fatherhood. I didn't grow up being the typical daddy's girl. I have no ill will against him. My mama never said anything derogatory about him n I love him for being my dad. There are times where it's a headache during debates to get him to understand my side without having to present stats n fax from studies n books lol. There's just some things u can just never understand n u gotta be okay with scratching ur head n move on especially if it doesn't effect ur life. My dad is a great debater n lives for a good ol' back n forth. He has his moments where he's in chill mode n this was one of those times-thank goodness!! Me n my sister took him to his favorite place; The Croaker Spot which he's always raved about. It's a soul food place n I can see why he loves it.

To make a long story n history less long...me n my dad have started to extend olive branches. I am officially waving the white flag...I don't wanna fight no more Gina **Martin voice** I ain't got no more fight in me against no man these days. I wanna keep my skin youthful n glowy with less stress as possible. We had good convo's n enjoyed each others company. I foresee many more "put it into perspective" moments to share. He knows me but don't KNOW me. Despite our differences in opinions n views on things, I still honor him as my dad. Nothing in that Bae Bag was better than my presence. Showing up for my dad to let him know I do love him n I wanna take advantage of the moment while he's here to overcome any issues n misunderstandings. We think we have time til we don't. I do have boundaries tho, I'm not apologizing or feeling guilty for protecting my peace. My dad has always been an open book where he's volunteered info. Now we'll get into a place that may or may not be comfy where iiiiiii can ask unanswered questions n close chapters from my book. I'll be clearing out my throat chakras, respectfully...n however it ends, least we know we did our part in trying to mend **le sigh** I'm grateful for his teachings; like how men think of women after the visual, how to play chess n more importantly; life isn't fair.
Overall, I had a great weekend. I should've took off today becuz I need a day to recoup n recharge. I am running off fumes of love that surrounded me all weekend. All parties on the receiving end were well deserved. You are appreciated!!
