...was a SUCCESS!! Last month I lowkey tossed out the idea of making a coffee date with you all becuz I wanted to link beyond the keyboard n needed my girls to rally around after a rollercoaster ride of June. Needless to say...yall showed up for ya girl n it was more than I could've imagined.

THANK YOU to the Turkish Coffee Lady located in Old Town Alexandria for allowing me to host. When I did some reconn for a spot last month, I walked into this coffee house n said THIS IS IT!!! I absolutely knew this was the perfect spot n the coffee was superb. The pistachio latte...caramel latte-Stellar!!
Now yall know I am an early bird. Every Saturday I like to be out the door by 0700a n doing my infamous walk into a coffee shop by 0730a. For the meetup, I figured I'd make it easier for folks who like to sleep in, lol and make the coffee date at 0930a. And guess what...if punctual was a person...count my girls IN.
My signature accessory of sunnies + a cup of coffee was my gift to the attendees. I truly value the TIME taken out to spend a few hours with lil' ol' me n give the true experience of my Sip Trips.
The theme...cuz we love a good theme...was What Would Kisha Wear (WWKW). I figured that would be easy enuff right, lol. It's an honor to be highly regarded to where u bring ur A game knowing the host is gonna do the same. Nobody is saying show up full glam but if the spirit moves u...DO IT!! There's no such thing as overdressed for a Sip Trip. To see my girls step out the box for lil' ol' meee warmed my heart.
Alot of times, we are scared to start or lose momentum becuz we focus on the numbers. STOP IT!! Keep showing up n building ur brand. Take that leap to step into ur passion n toss out the idea of numbers. I will always prioritize quality over quantity. I purposely didn't label it as a bloggers type of meet up becuz I know the group of women in my circles ALL bring value in different forms. We are not just our job titles n I wanted to mix my FRIENDS up to show we are all connected n can resonate in many ways. I am not interested in viral moments or doin it for the gram. I needed sisterhood to hold space (as Janelle says) and allow me to be vulnerable beyond the phone screen. I want to be around people who give me-SAFE so I can exhale in comfort. We laughed, cried, hugged n didn't have to hit record because everyone was present.
That's all I needed. To physically SEE yall n lay eyes with the energy of LOVE is unable to be duplicated via Facetime. I am grateful for creating the moment n seeing it thru. Whether u attended in person or in spirit-I appreciate chew. I love how yall love me n look forward to the infamous "Beautiful Morning" song every weekend. I just can't believe my passion for peace n coffee turned into a whole meetup! Seeeee...yall really can do coffee dates, LOL.
This Sip Trip meetup taught me to LEAN on each other as needed. Often times, we don't reach out for help n wanna deal with lemons of life on our own to avoid being a burden. These laydeez showed me...it's okay to reach out. Stop hiding behind being introverts n thinking being a loner is a flex. Getchu a community that'll pour into u n hold u accountable. Becuz I am picky with my presence, I am protective of my peeps n sharing amongst others. I don't play about yall.
With that being said...the next Sip Trip Meetup will be in the Fall. I'm thinking these will be quarterly check ins for each season. I've already gotten inquiries for invites to the next one :D The time will be the same becuz I like how we were done by noon n u pretty much still have ur whole day. I just need a snippet of ur time..that's all. To the First Class of Sip Trips...yall are officially the OG Sippers <3
If you have an idea for a theme or coffee spot location I should check out in the DMV, leave them in the comments. I'm open to any of them with reasonable parking n NOT in DC.
