Ya knoooow, never in a million years did I think I'd ever become THAT adult who'd look forward to a kickstart of her day with coffee. I grew up watching grown folks make a "cup of joe" before work n hear that screeching drip as it sucked out the last drops of water from the filter. They'd pour black coffee in a cup n add basic creamer n a spoonful of sugar-then stiiiiir. As a kid, I wanted to know the fascination of this everyday occurrence at the top of the morning. What is this black liquid of gold these adults keep sucking down. I took a sip one day n was DISGUSTED!! Yuck! It tasted like an oil change-not that I've tasted that either lol but I'll assume if I licked the floors of a mechanic's garage; that would be the flavor!
Fast forward to today...I am now THAT adult sucking down coffee yet I actually like mines as less tasting of coffee as possible. How did I get here? It started with frappe's. I would get them while working at the fire dept at night to keep me goin. It was so sweet n crazy ridiculous in calories. After my #WLS I had to fall b n only got frappe's as a random treat every once in a blue moon. My dormant love became rehashed after I had Toot.

During maternity leave, I would head on over to my nearby Starbucks on Saturday mornings. My body clock was all out of wack so getting up for sunrise became normal. I would go over n order something hot since it was cool outside. I'd sit out nearby n randomly take pics, scroll my phone n listen to birds chirp. I would notice how rejuvenated I felt after enjoying stillness before starting my day. It was such a mood booster n I wasn't sure if it was the coffee or being kid free. I just knew it was something I wanted to keep doing every weekend.

After awhile, it became apart of my lifestyle. A day I looked forward to beyond the novelty of it being the weekend. It has now become a snippet of time to self that brings me joy. I look forward to starting my weekends with getting dressed up to see my Starbucks family. They ALL address me by name n greet me with smiles. There is a calmness in the air when u get up before the crowd to fully enjoy peace. I love randomly talkin to strangers n doing my infamous photoshoots. It's funny becuz on my IG stories, I got in the habit of playing "Beautiful Morning" by Rascals n it's become my signature!
Carving out intentional time to self has been a game changer. It's been part of my healing in more ways than one. I know at least once a week, I am going to do something that brings me joy. I escape the responsibilities of just being there for everyone else n recharging for ME. I can regroup and reflect from the week n look to planning ahead.

My Starbucks Saturdays has become my way of giving myself permission to be great. Too often I see how many people are stressed n get in the groove of the grind. Time is steady moving n life is gonna life but I can't continue to pour into anyones cup when mine is empty. Never did I ever think...I'd be THAT adult to be up bright n early but here I am. Racing the sun at times n basking in the sunrise. With every sip, I am grateful. With every swirl of the cup, I am blessed. In the moments I take a deep breathe n get lost in tranquility. MmmMMmmMM. I wish everyone could force themselves to experience a newfound love in the manner of what I've found in coffee sipping Saturday's.

So ya see, this is more than grabbing a cup of coffee. It's a full dramatic production n guess who's the main character? Meeeeee!!! This is where I promote for folks to get a life or as Rickey says "get chew some business". Be selfish n get lost in urself. I use that time to create content, listen to podcasts, catch up on social media or chit chat. As I've gotten comfy in this routine...I've decided to take my show on the road. Coming Soon...Sip Trips!!
