One of my favorite intentional time to self is utilizing my super powers of forward thinking. It's no surprise time is moving hella fast and whenever I get invites for shindigs I pause to say "lemme check my books" becuz if it's in my books...it's stamped. What's in my bag? You'll always find my Book'd N Busy Planner as my sidekick. It's been keeping me organized for a solid 2 yrs now.

What I love about Book'd is how they make planning my life fun with stickers and other inserts that help me pause with the busy-ness to take a glimpse of how far I've come to look back on short term goals and also my budget **cue cringe** During my #SipTrip moments on Saturday's I pull it out and doodle my life for weeks and a month to come. They do have options of an academic planner or if you have more of a life than me...deluxe!
okay okay okay...I can't keep the secret any longer...the 2023 Editions are OUT and ready to ship like noooow...EEEEK!!! I am also excited to bring you a code to save on ur order :D
Yessss, be sure to add the code above to checkout to save some monies this holiday season and tag me in your posts upon arrival. I hope it brings u as much joy as it brings me using this planner throughout the year. Also, feel free to share how u use ur planner n carve out time to stay organized n book'd.
