Fresh Month! Fresh Start! Fresh Weekend! Starting the month off at my favorite spot....a coffee house. The weather has been wonky lately n I've been looking forward to closing out June n coming into anew. There's something brewing in the atmosphere n I wanna retreat a tad to pay attention. I've spoken before on a Summer Sabbatical n there's no time than the present.

During my #SipTrip this morning, I had to pause to have some "come to" moments with myself n receiving messages via loved ones which confirmed my inner thoughts in how to press forward. I have to remove a lot of distractions and No, I ain't quitting my job lol. Told yall I'm not one of those bloggers looking to dive into this field to make it full time-Nah! I tend to fall into too many rabbit holes whenever I open apps n my eyes need a rest too. I gotta get into more producing n less consuming as I intentionally pour into my creative space n grow my share of community here.

So please be patient as I continue to figure out how to navigate n juggle an actual life with sharing my life with yall. Time management seems to be my struggle n procrastination is the biggest hurdle of em all. Maaaaan, I can't use school as an excuse no more lol. I do have some shindigs to celebrate this month. First up after the holiday is my godsisters baby shower. We are sooooo excited for my nephew's arrival in Sept. I will be mentally prepping to host my niece who is a hoot n I get to do a bunch of girly things I either do by myself or at all being a mom of boys **cue icky** and I also have a housewarming on the books! Book'd n Busy for this month for suuuure.
Any major plans this month? Yall know I am gonna be pre-prepping for Fall by August...yes, I'm thinking of it already.
