Hellooooo February, the month of LOVE!! January always feels like it takes forever and it did JY LIKE drag cuz some days felt like a repeat and the ATL episode when they were trying to find their way out of the mall lol. So now that we've gotten pass January 41st; we get a fresh start with the first of the moooooooonth.
I am fascinated with #LeapYear and I think it's so cool for those born on February 29th cuz u technically age every 5 yrs and u get to pick a day or 2 to celebrate in lieu of the 29th on those off years-I would totally feel like a unicorn. We get a whole freebie of 24 hrs...what do u plan to do with it?
I must say...I've been kicking seasonal depressions azz! I mainly think it's becuz I've been staying busy with being productive with my time. I've been cranking out content, doin pilates and uppin' my game at work, emphasizing Black Girls In Nordstrom, better sleeping habits and spending time with loved ones. The laughing n love I've been receiving has been quite helpful. The weather was wonky for January where we went from a snow "storm" to a preview of Spring within a week. Nonetheless, I've been taking it day by day n giving space n grace for those days of gloom n not sitting in my woes.
So what are your plans for the month? These past two months have been expensive for me so starting this month I am on a low to NO BUY!! I need to pay off some small lingering bills n prepare for college tours this Spring. What I'd like to do is budget my monthly Nordies spenditures into a pot to splurge on #Nsale in July. I don't know....can I go 5 months without a pickup at Nordies...EEEK!! I can definitely get my itch scratched with window shopping but the true test is leaving with ONLY my Lavender Chai Latte O_o
My January was amazing! I mean aside from it being me turning Forty ThWeee n Toot's Disney Adventures, I can honestly say I enjoyed the fresh start of 2024. I have no idea what's to come n I'm anticipating getting better as long as the good lord allows getting through these next ten months. Stepping away from the phone n more into OUTSIDE while creatively flowing more into my blog space is what I'm excited to do...I've even been on Tik Tok's more than I expected n getting in the groove n my numbers been goin UP **calls Lebron's manager for representation** and I feel this spirit of greatness as I catch random angel numbers n get confirmations of my thoughts through chats with friends that lets me know I'm headed in the right direction.
So keep me in ur prayers as I continue to navigate cuz I'm ready n open to figuring this thing called LIFE out n since this IS the month of love...I'll gawn head n unlock the door to go on some dates...ooooh la la!! I actually had a good one last month but err uuuh yea...that was clearly practice lol.
Anyhoo...Happy February <3
